Yes, OK, so I'm horrible at keeping to a schedule. Time has this little habit of running away with me (or maybe that should be
from me).
I started this blog with all good intentions, and then got bogged down in other things, among them design issues and the competing benefits of WordPress and Blogger. Now Blogger has won out, I am going to strive to run alongside Time, rather than let him streak off and leave me coughing in his dust.
I have a plan - it's not a very cunning plan, but it's a plan all the same. Let's see whether I can pull it off.
My schedule (*subject to change):
• Mondays - Miscellany (ramblings about bits and pieces)
• Wednesday - Writing Randomness (excerpts, research, reviews, etc.)
• Saturdays - Selections (top fives of whatever's on my mind)
Please excuse me while I get used to setting the pace. I was never very good at running. But the main point here is that I'm back to running - taking part in the Blogosphere - and I hope you'll all come along for the ride.